This box can take you


Starting at $15 per box

8+ million snack boxes shipped!

8+ million snack boxes shipped!

What's in a box?

A tasty trip

Travel to a different country each month... with your mouth!

Trivia & games

Play trivia, learn snack history, and enjoy interactive games as our 12+ page booklet guides your journey.

Earth's hidden snack gems

We found Sweden’s best kept secret (Cookie Dough Truffles) and Taiwan's most addicting snack (Egg Yolk Popcorn).

How it Works

1 Start

Get started with a subscription and receive boxes each month until you cancel. Or, give as a gift! You can't go wrong!

2 Start

Your first box will ship by the date listed in the sign-up process. Future boxes will ship by the 15th of each month.

3 Start

Receive your box of Yums and go on an unforgettable adventure! Feeling full? There's a one-step cancellation process.

Pick your first box


Start your adventure!